Wise Advice From the World’s Original Ski Bum
Wth more than 500 films that spanned a 50-year career, Miller influenced generations to follow their dreams and live their best life on the mountain. But Miller leaves behind another legacy, one that arguably transcends the impact of any film. In the resort town of Big Sky, Montana, Miller was a community member. He was our neighbor.
Miller and his wife, Laurie, spent half of each year in Big Sky, and Miller served as the director of skiing for the Yellowstone Club. His name cements his local legacy at the Yellowstone Club’s Warren Miller Lodge, as well as at the community’s renowned Warren Miller Performing Arts Center.
More than this, many in the community recounted Miller as a friend. This gallery was compiled in honor of our neighbor, Warren Miller, so that we might so be inspired to contribute our best selves to our communities by living our own lives to the fullest. For we ought not forget his famously recounted wisdom:
Miller directing, filming and skiing with friends and colleagues at the Yellowstone Club.
LEFT: The Warren Miller Performing Arts Center helps Miller’s legacy and artistic values live on in perpetuity within the Big Sky community. OUTLAW PARTNERS PHOTO | RIGHT: Miller with extreme skiing pioneer Dan Egan.
Miller getting some Montana powder turns.
LEFT: Photographer Travis Anderson poses with Miller in Miller’s Big Sky home. | RIGHT: Pro skier Scot Schmidt, Miller and GoPro founder Nick Woodman at the Yellowstone Club. PHOTO COURTESY OF SCOT SCHMIDT
With more than 500 films that spanned a 50-year career, Miller influenced generations to follow their dreams and live their best life on the mountain.
LEFT: Miller and Scot Schmidt enjoying some good conversation in between turns at the Yellowstone Club. | CENTER: Miller films with Gary Nate in Big Sky on a bluebird day with Sphinx Mountain in the background. | RIGHT: Filming at the Yellowstone Club, with Outlaw Partners’ Eric Ladd.
Filming, skiing and corduroy snow with Miller and friends in Big Sky, Montana.
Miller shares insights and stories at the Warren Miller Performing Arts Center. PHOTO BY KENE SPERRY, COURTESY OF WARREN MILLER PERFORMING ARTS CENTER